
As Seen On Tv 217412 One Sweep Broom Review

As Seen On Tv 217412 One Sweep Broom
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People who claim that the One Sweep Broom doesn't work, just didn't use it correctly. Taking short, firm sweeps on carpet, always pulling the broom toward you, it pulls out imbedded dust and hair that my vacuum left behind. Also, I must tell you that I used the One Sweep only days after having my carpet professionally cleaned, and it STILL pulled out hair from the fibers!
Make no mistake, it requires that you put physical effort into the process. However, the results are nothing short of miraculous. The debris does not easily float into your dustpan. Remember, you are ridding yourself of stuff that lingers due to tangling and static electricity. The secret is to work in small sections -- finish one area before moving on to the next.
The result is absolutely amazing and worth every bit of energy expended.

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ONTEL One Sweep Broom -- The One Sweep stays clean and sanitary as you work -- and when you're done, just flip it over and squeegee the floor dry!Can be used wet or dry -- with a little soap, the brushing action scrubs so you don't have to!

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