
Enforcer Prod. FS14 Enforcer Flea Spray Review

Enforcer Prod. FS14 Enforcer Flea Spray
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This product will eliminate both live and unborn fleas in and around home including infestations located inside walls. Once sprayed around perimeter of each room or around outside of home this product kills live fleas and continues to interupt new flea generation from hatched egg/larvae. Will usually eliminate fleas on a permanant basis unless fleas are re-introduced by pets, etc. Fast knock-dosn and continuous protection will please those who have been bothered by flea bites as well as pets that are kept inside. Label says will remain effective for actual killing for up to 120 days but will more than likely eliminate your problem once and for all. If you bring pets in and out of your home you will probably want to purchase the direct pet spray as well to be thoroughly protected. In a rental at the beach I encountered a large flea infestation after moving in. It was just a matter of spaying one time to solve the problem. Highly reocmmended.

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Spray for carpets and furniture with flea growth regulator. Continuous flea protection for up to 120 days. Kills larvae, flea eggs, and adult fleas. Contains Nylar and Tetramethrin.

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