
Kirby G4 Vacuum Cleaner - Loaded Review

Kirby G4 Vacuum Cleaner - Loaded
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I recently purchased a used Kirby G4. This machine is over 10 years old and still cleans better than most other vacuums, including my highly rated Bissell model which recently broke. But, the primary reason I bought a Kirby was that I was sick and tired of replacing my vacuum cleaner every 2-4 years due to wear and tear. There is no other vacuum cleaner which lasts a lifetime. 99% of those produced these days (like many consumer products) are made primarily of plastic components. Kirby is the only brand, that I know of, which has consistent after-market of 10, 20, and even 30 year-old machines because it is made of metal and designed specifically to endure. It is definitely worth the $1000+ pricetag for a new one, but I avoid this expense by simply buying an older version which cleans as good as a new one.

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